Why life is better at the Beach!

Ask anyone what their most favorite place to be is and invariably, somewhere on that list is a beach. Why is it that we feel so compelled to spend time close to the water?  Does the sun shine brighter? Maybe.

For many, the beach is a world very different from the everyday. It’s cheap flip flops, bare feet and ice cream. It’s the sounds of children singing, radio’s blaring and happy laughter. It’s a riot of color from bright rainbow colored towels, beach toys, bikini’s and board shorts. It’s a place where people smile wider, laugh easier and love deeper. Life is easy and worries tend to fade away for another day.




It doesn’t matter whether the beach is in the city surrounded by board walks, carnivals and never ending vendors or untouched with only you and nature as far as the eye can see. It exists in a different plane of life…it embodies the carefree, relaxed and adventurous spirit all in one. It contains so much of what we need while needing so little of us in return. These are eight of the best & simplest reasons we think the beach is the best place in the world to be:Image




The sound  of water gently lapping at the shoreline or waves crashing on the shore is constant, rhythmic and natures song. It calms us, helps us de-stress and ultimately remember to enjoy life’s little moments. There is no better place for a mid day nap.




Life is simple at the beach. Grab a spot of sand, a patch of shade and you have everything you need for a marvelous afternoon.

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There is always something to see or do at the beach. You can wander its shore everyday and discover something different from one day to the next.…a washed up seashell, the flock of swans that just flew in for the day…that perfect spot to watch the sunset.

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Good times know no limits at the beach. Whether you spend your time playing in the sand, floating in the water or wandering the shores in search of hidden treasures, the beach has something for everyone in every budget.

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Our world and our bodies need water to exist. Both mysterious and beautiful it harbors secrets still waiting to be discovered. Our lives revolve in and around it and nothing else can take away the weight of everyday life than floating serenely in its arms. For others it is a playmate that is always there. Water men of the world use surf boards, SUP and diving gear among other tools to learn its rhythms and take advantage of the ultimate playground.

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Lay in the sand or playing on the beach, worries seem to melt away like magic. Our minds are able to stay in the moment and enjoy the now so much better than anywhere else on the planet.

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Nature at its best:

The most beautiful of beautiful moments are born here. Stunning orange, purple and pink painted skies with each sunrise and sunset.  Strange and interesting flora and fauna that are specific to each region. Animals and prolific birds that call it their home. Trees that back its shores and overhang the sand. Even the sand when seen under microscope is an array of thousands of tiny pieces of  amazing sculpture.

Treasure Beach Burlington Beach



We feel better at the beach. It’s been scientifically proven people that live closer to the water live longer, healthier lives. They tend to exercise more and make time in their everyday lives to enjoy life and family. Beach walks are the best way to fill up on Vitamin D and sunlight helps lift depression and general malaise.



“At the beach . life is different. Time doesn’t move hour to hour but mood to moment. We live by the currents, plan by the tides and follow the sun”.

beach quote

We live in tune with nature, where we began…where we are happiest.